The Peninsula of Mobile is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit community based organization whose mission is to support the development of a clean and vibrant community while working to sustain the sensitive environment that IS … The Peninsula.

2013 Organizational Web.

The organization was formed in 2013 after the City of Mobile announced Airbus was coming to Brookley Field.  At the time, representatives of the five (5) various active neighborhood groups came together under an idea to devise a way for the community to have voice in guiding the impending future development in a way that retains its residential and coastal character.

After performing an initial Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis, the group agreed the abundant pristine natural resources were our biggest strength, while the steady decline in home-ownership and impending industry were the biggest threats.

At the time, the Gulf Coast was in the forefront of national news - still reeling from aftermath of the BP Oil Disaster and the continued rebuild damage from Hurricane Katrina.

The group decided a non-profit organization needed to be established and a  master plan devised to help the community guide growth wisely and in a way that would increase commercial and residential growth.

2014 Grant Application

The following year, after setting up the non-profit and securing a partnership with Auburn University's School of Landscape Architecture, the group applied for and received a local grant to fund the hiring of a professional firm, Goodwyn, Mills & Cawood, to develop the community plan.

The highlights of the plan were released in July 2016 during a public meeting with a Master Plan Power Point presentation given by its authors. The final Master Plan, released in January 2017, outlines seven (7) key development areas (centers) that run the length of the land mass, from bridge to bridge, each possessing their own identity.  It gives suggestions on ways to develop that will retain the residential character and ecological function of the small protective landmass.

While the overall goal includes the blending of current waterfront bike and kayak trails into a large recreation preserve at the Peninsula southernmost end that is advertised at the north end's new Visitor Information Center, other details include:

    • looking at each center’s built environment
    • use of Low Impact Development strategies
    • mobility and connectivity
    • neighborhoods
    • infrastructure
    • and economic development

The results of creating such a nature-based recreation destination will attract local and other visitors, increase economic opportunities and increase property values throughout the length of The Peninsula.

Click on this image for another historic timeline of our area.

Historical Timeline